You will experience some of the most beautiful and rugged country in Southern Arizona and get a taste of the old west. Please be sure you are well-trained for the hills, rocks and remote nature of the event. The detailed map included with your packet, should be studied before race day and carried with you during the race.

Refunds or transfers of your entry are not permitted. If for some reason you cannot participate after you have entered we can defer your entry one time to the following year. There is a 5-person limit to this rule. First come basis. Deferment requests must be received prior to close of registration.

Race starts at 6:00 am. You must check in on race morning before start. You will be listed as DNS.

If you think you can’t finish the first loop by 1:00 PM (7 hours) you have the option of an early start at 5:00 AM. The 1:00 PM cut-off for the first loop will still apply. Early starters are not eligible for  any awards. You must inform Race Mgmt. of your intentions to do so at least one week prior to the start date.  Your total time on course will be listed in the results. Dropping down in distance is permitted.  If you are registered for the 50 mile race and cannot complete it, your time will not be recorded for the 25 mile race.

Bib numbers must be visible. Runners must announce their arrival and departure from every Aid Station. We want to make sure you have a fun and safe race. Knowing where you are and what time you left goes a long way in ensuring that happens.

This is a TOUGH trail race. The first  Aid Station is 9 uphill miles away. We can take care of you at the Aid Stations but you are mainly responsible for taking care of yourself. Eat and drink often. Refueling is extremely important. Please understand that if you run into trouble out on the course we will do whatever we can to get to you in a timely fashion. But timely is relative to location and terrain.

Packet Pickup & Race Day Check-In

Pre-race packet pickup will be held on Thursday, February 27th from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Summit Hut 5251 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85712.

Race morning packet pickup will be held at Kentucky Camp from 4:45 AM to 5:45 AM.

If for some reason you can not continue the race, please report to the nearest aid station captain. They will remove your wristband and have the radio operators notify race management. Do not leave the race without letting a race official know.

Aid Stations

There are a total of 4 Aid Stations per loop, including the start/finish.  Drop Bags will be permitted at all aid stations. Runners are allowed to receive aid within 100 feet of the aid station.

When you arrive at and leave an Aid Station make sure you check in and check out so we can keep track of your location on the course. Shout out your number upon arrival and departure from all aid stations.

This is NOT a road race where aid stations are 2 miles apart. The Melendrez Pass aid station is 9 mostly uphill miles from Kentucky Camp close to the high point of the course. The desert sun, wind, and dry air will quickly suck the moisture right out of you. Make sure you consume enough fluids and fuel to get through all of this race.

There are no individual aid station cut-offs for the 25 Mile race. However, 25 mile runners must complete the race by 1:00 PM.

For 50 mile runners, overall cut-off for completing the first loop in all races is 1:00 PM.

  Aid station Mileage Cut off Crew Access Distance to Next Aid
1 Melendrez Pass 8   NO CREW ACCESS 6.5
2 Cave Creek 14.5   Yes 6.5
3 Gardner Canyon 21   Yes 4
4 Kentucky Camp 25

1:00 PM (50 mile runners)

1:00 PM (25 mile runners)

Yes 4
5 Gardner Canyon 29   Yes 6.5
6 Cave Creek 36 4:30 PM Yes 6.5
7 Melendrez Pass 42 6:00 PM NO CREW ACCESS 8
8 Kentucky Camp 50 9:00  PM Yes 0

Aid Station Fare

Aid Stations will be stocked with water, electrolyte drink, potatoes, oranges, bananas, chips, m&ms, pretzels, pb&j sandwiches, Coke, V-8, and soup. Electrolyte tablets WILL NOT be available.

Kentucky Camp – Start/Finish: Hamburgers and other food items will be available from noon on.

Drop Bags

Drop bag service is available to 50 mile runners ONLY. All drop bags must be at drop area no later than 5:30 AM, located in parking lot before you walk through the gate to descend to Kentucky Camp. You are responsible for placing your bag in proper Aid Station bin. Drop Bags will be allowed at all Aid Stations.
Please put your name, aid station name, and your bib number on your drop bags!

After you leave the starting line you become a number. You are tracked by, found by, listed by your number!
We will be bringing Drop Bags back to the drop are periodically throughout the day. You are responsible for retrieving your bag. We will not ship bags to anyone, so don’t put anything in your bags that you cannot live without.


50 Mile runners aged 60 years or older are allowed a pacer on the second loop.  Pacers must inform  race management and begin their pacing duties at Kentucky Camp.

Other Serious Stuff

In order for this run to continue in the future, it is very important that you pack out all your trash. “Leave No Trace”. Bury all human waste and pack out the toilet paper.

Adobe Walls

Kentucky Camp Historic District (#95001312) is on the National Register of Historic Places. Please respect the surroundings and do not touch or lean against any adobe walls. Damage to the adobe structures can cause substantial damage and will jeopardize the future of the OP Endurance Runs.


This is cattle country and you will encounter fences and gates. Please close all gates as you pass through, don’t assume the runner behind you will close them.

Course Marking

This course will be well marked with flour and Pink and Black striped flagging tape to show the correct route. Blue flagging tape will be used to show the incorrect route. Sometimes folks with nothing better to do have removed sections of flagging. Please study the map and take it with you for reference.

Camping & Fires

You may camp alongside of FR 163 within the national forest or other primitive camping is also allowed in other areas of the national forest. NO FIRES PLEASE.


The past several years brought a mix of race day conditions. Be prepared for conditions ranging from rain, snow or warm Arizona sun. Normal March High 66°F, Normal March Low 33°F Average March Precipitation 1.10 in. It is always cold, typically below freezing at the start. Please come prepared for anything.

NOTE: In 2014 we had a monsoon storm park itself over the Santa Rita Mountains for at least 20 hrs. Even though 100% chance of rain was predicted for race day all week long, we still had folks show up wearing only t-shirts. They paid a price. This is a high desert / mountain run through remote areas. Be prepared for anything Mother Nature can throw at you. We strive hard to ensure your safety, but we can only do so much. Be responsible for yourself.